About this site

  • Hosting: Deployed and hosted on GitHub Pages with the source code available on GitHub.
  • First published: May 11, 2023.
  • Technologies used: Developed and built using zola v0.19.1, which is a Rust-based static site generator, with a modified version of the serene v3.3.1 theme applied.
  • Typography: Fonts used are Karma and Work Sans. Self-hosted.
  • Icons: SVG icons used from Remix Icon and Font Awesome. Favicon made with Microsoft Designer. Self-hosted.
  • Testing: Conducted in the latest versions of:
    • Google Chrome
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Safari
    • Floorp.
  • Commenting system: Enabled by giscus which uses GitHub Discussions.
  • Any questions or concerns about this website, or its operation, can be submitted as a comment in this page or as an individual GitHub issue.

A colophon is a page or section, like a footer, of a site that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies. -- IndieWeb